Steven Alfred Shockley
Steven Alfred Shockley passed away Friday, January 31, 2025 in the Salem, Virginia, Veterans Hospital. He was born January 4, 1958 in Chapel Hill, North Carolina. He was preceded in death by his mother, Betty Leigh Harris Shockley Williams and by a nephew, Austin Michael Sardella. He is survived by his father, James E. Shockley, step-mother Cynthia Coleman Shockley, sister, Susanne Elaine Sammel, and brothers, David Arthur Shockley, John Coleman Shockley, and James Michael Shockley. In his youth, he was very creative. He created characters and story lines that were illustrated as cartoons by his other siblings. While living in Kentucky, he was a member of the United Methodist Church and an active member of their youth group. He had a wry sense of humor, and especially enjoyed the humor of Saturday Night Live and George Carlin. Steve always loved music, embracing an eclectic variety of genres, and when young was quite active in performance arts, participating in marching band as well as theater. He played drums, guitar, and keyboard. Later he joined the U.S. Navy and during his service developed schizophrenia. With medical care and the help of his father, he was able to spend most of his young adult life living independently. He loved to walk around town, and was recognized as a fixture around Blacksburg. He lived his last years in Veterans Affairs-approved assisted living homes. His latest place of residence was in Roanoke, Virginia, where he had numerous friends and could enjoy his beautiful downtown neighborhood. Recently he developed pneumonia, flu and a strep throat simultaneously and was sent to the hospital, where he eventually died. He will be missed by many. The family would like to express their thanks to the staff and residents at the Magnolia Ridge Assisted Living facility for their support during the last year and to the staff at the Intensive Care Unit at the Salem Veterans Hospital for their help during the last few weeks of Steven’s life. There will be a graveside service in Westview Cemetery in Blacksburg at 2:00 p.m. on Friday, February 7. Friends are invited to join the family for that service.